Created time
Jan 12, 2025 12:00 AM
The scary part about social media is that you can spend hours thinking that you are learning something new, when you are actually just watching other people live their lives and just getting old without getting closer to any of your goals.
You can read some posts, watch a few videos, and before you know it one hour went by and even though you might have learned some new facts, you made little progress on what's most important to you.
It’s easy to feel like we’re absorbing valuable information, whereas in reality we’re just consuming content without purpose.
It's like a prison without bars.
Social media can trick us into thinking we're being productive or informed, but often it's just passive consumption of other people's lives. It's easy to lose track of time and get distracted from our own goals.
The danger of social media lies in the illusion of progress. Hours pass, and you feel productive, inspired even, yet nothing in your life has changed. Consuming others’ successes can trick you into believing you’re advancing, while you’re merely observing.
True growth happens not in watching, but in doing. Put down the screen, pick up your purpose.
Time slips away be certain you’re not just getting older, but moving forward.
You are just trying to entertain other people while other people are trying to entertain you. You're entertaining while being entertained. And the entertainment itself is most likely just vulgar navel-gazing. It's mostly about who succeeds to win others' attention with their ego.
You thought you were learning. In truth you were just wasting time.